
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cold Saturday Ride to Nowhere

Just felt like I had to get out and ride. Anywhere. It was a chilly ride, in the low 30's, with cloud cover, some wind and snow coming in.

Most of yesterday's snow had melted by mid afternoon, but they're calling for another 1-2 tonight. You can see some coming down just over those hills!

Rode out to the lake. It's really low. Seems like every time I go there it's lower.

If you look really closely there is a little cold duck swimming near the bridge. :)

As usual, when out riding in the cold I'm fine. Usually just a bit warm. But as soon as I get home and settle in I get COLD. It doesn't help that any part of me that has surface fat seems to radiate cold! I'll get in and change clothes in case what I was in is sweaty, pile on warm things, fix a hot drink, find a feline to snuggle, anything but here I am, an hour later and I'm still cold! How do you warm up after a cold ride?


  1. Wistful and very appealing pictures. Thank you for sharing them!

  2. Not necessarily after a cold ride - long sad, bicycle departing story :( but long walks or jogs or similar, it has to be a marmite drink, beanbag microwave slippers, cat, a cushion on my lap & a spot on the floor in front of a radiator/fire, that failing or if I am REALLY cold, hot shower for 10 mins & warmed clothes. x

  3. Gorgeous pictures!

    I have the same problem warming up - it takes me ages. No matter how many layers I put on after my ride getting warm is always a sloooow process!

  4. A hot shower does the trick for me.

  5. Your ride looks so romantic...and FREEZING. I would definitely do the hot shower trick.

  6. I get the 'cold' thing too - best thing is a cuppa to warm the inside and a hot bath for the rest. Although this is not always practical. I also have a thick knitted blanket for emergencies* (*sitting on the sofa)

  7. I've gotta throw my vote in with the hot shower crowd. It doesn't hurt to have a warm towel waiting (our towel rack is directly over a heat register... yum!).

    Lovely photos!

  8. Thanks everyone for the hot shower suggestion! Have tried and find it to be good. :) Not sure why this is a problem this year. Ah, well, getting old(er) I guess. :)
