
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bike Date: Kingsport Greenbelt

The Husband and I had a bike date today! It's the first bike date that we've had. It was a gorgeous 75F with sunny skies. We strapped his trike to the roof and my fuji to the back of the car and off we went to the Kingsport Greenbelt.

It's a lovely multi-purpose path that meanders through the woods and meadows, following a creek the whole way.

We started at the Historic Exchange Place where you have to cut through the Exchange Place property on an unpaved, rocky path before you reach the Greenbelt. From then on it's paved.

We saw ducks:

And lots of people out walking/jogging. Tons of people out on bikes! I might not see many people using the roads here to ride their bikes, and now I know why. They're all on the Greenbelt!

We rode about 14 miles total. 7 to and 7 fro with a stop at a Marble Slab that conveniently backs right up to the path.

This was a great first bike date! We've decided to make a habit of going to the Greenbelt. Now if only I can figure out a way to carry the Pashley out there...


  1. The fall colors are looking really nice. Happy fall to you and your bike date.

  2. Nice! I saw the picture of the recumbent on the car, and wasn't sure whose that was. Now I know!

  3. I can't imagine a better day. I looks so lovely and fall-ish. Yay for bike dates!

  4. Lovely bike date. Those ducks looked like they wanted to hitch a bike ride.

  5. That was a lovely ride the two of you had. I'm sure the trike was nippy.

  6. This looks like an awesome place to ride! New to the Tri-Cities area (Bristol,Va. Not new to shopping\visiting the area,just new to living here these past few months),I'm always looking for places to ride with my son (and daughter when she will...ah,teens! the wife doesn't bike,but loves a good walk). Where abouts is it located or is there a site to find info? My son's 9 and only recently allowed the removal of his training wheels,FWIW.

    Not to pull a shameless plug for my own blog here,but I have started a blog about riding,and we (son and I) ride most often in town. Here's the link (and there's an email on there if you or your husband wanted to contact us for any reason).

    I have been enjoying reading up on your blog,as I found it today. BTW,what shops in the area do you guys recommend? Piney Flats bikes sold me a bike a few years ago,and seem like a good group (we lived around 2 hours from JC,TN BTW,and I used to haul out of Piney Flats in an 18 wheeler).

    Nice to "meet" a new cycling neighbor from a neighbor town :)


  7. Anon/Steve - Hi! Nice to "meet" you too. :) The best place to enter the Greenbelt is from Eastman Rd (kingsport), in the shopping center at the corner of Eastman and Stone Dr. (Hobby Lobby/McCallisters/Petsmart are there. The entrance to the Greenbelt is behind the Petsmart). Listen for the ducks. :)

    I've yet to make it to the Piney Flats shop. I highly recommend Norris Schwinn on Knob Creek Rd in JC. Great shop to wander around in.
    Lots of old bikes! Really nice and knowledgeable folks there too.

    Welcome to the area!
