
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trying out the Ghetto Pannier

I had to make a quick trip down to the grocery store for some kitten food, English muffins and peanut butter. I still haven't put any cargo capacity on the Fuji besides the Swiss army ammo bag, and I could only fit the one plastic bag with the English muffins and peanut butter in it and still have room for my keys and phone/wallet.

Normally I would also put the U lock in the bag as well. It wouldn't fit, but I did discover that it sits nicely on the VO rack. The curve of the U lock matches the curve of the rack perfectly. :)

That just left the bag with 10 cans of kitten food. I remembered awhile back Velouria of Lovely Bicycle wrote about a solution to this very problem.

Just tie them on to the rack! I had to tie them to one side and let them hang to the opposite, otherwise the bag was hitting my chain.

You can see that tying it on the far side keeps it up and out of the way.

I really enjoy riding at night, even if it is just to get a few groceries. Of course it would figure that some dumb redneck tries to ruin my fun. On the ride home a jerk in a beat up truck going the opposite way yelled out for me to "get on the sidewalk, retard!" Well, really, who's the retard then, Hrm? It would be called a sideRIDE if we were meant to ride on it. :) The funny thing is, this is the same sort of guy that will "hoot n' holler" approvingly when they see me in the daytime. I wonder if since it was dark out if this guy thought I was another guy, and therefore not worthy of his approval. Who knows. These "good ol' boys" out here can be real hypocrites.


  1. I did that with one of my grocery bags not too long ago on the Pashley. I didn't have my pannier, only the front basket, which is small. I ended buying more than what I could carry, so I too tied the bag to the rack. Worked out well.

    I really can't stand when jerks yell out their car window. I agree, so hypocritical.

  2. I've had someone throw that word at me from a moving truck, too. Ridiculous.

    Anyway, nifty pannier trick; I remember reading about it on LB and it's fun to see little ideas like this spread. :)

    p.s. Love the fenders!

  3. I've also done the bag carry where you hook the bag handles over the nose of the saddle and then let the weight of the bag(s) rest on the rack behind the saddle. That works too.

    At a stoplight once, I had someone tell me to ride on the sidewalk. I told them, "But this is a ROAD bike, not a SIDEWALK bike." It was a rare moment to actually SPEAK to one of those people.

    Not that it changed any minds, but I was happy I could say it.

  4. I grew up around Knoxville; rode my bike all over Knox and surrounding counties. You run into those guys 'everwhere'. Just boys makin' noise... but it can be distracting when you're dodging potholes, gravel and glass patches...

    Saw your post on Lovely Bicycle. Decided to visit. Glad I did! I bike, ski and knit: three things that go very well together!
