
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Delivered by a Turkey, not a Stork

For about 6 months or so now, I've been saving up for a new bicycle. I've needed something sturdy, with brakes that will be sure to stop in the rain and snow. With lights that won't die on me in the night. Something that can carry a load, and yet still get me through the hills. Something that I can also ride in both business clothes, and also can carry me out to the barn. It needs to be comfortable and attractive as well. I started saving, not knowing what I was going to end up buying, and the only way I can actually save money is the old fashioned way. Cash. In a box that I can't get the cash back out of without destroying. A piggy bank, that isn't a cute little pig.

So I made this box and it has set on my dresser for the last 6 months collecting whatever amounts of cash I can spare. Yes, that's an Oma pictured on it, for inspiration. I went back and forth on whether or not to buy and Oma or a Pashley. The Oma's are wonderfully tough and would be ideal for bad weather and carrying loads. The 8 speed hub might even make the Oma a practical bicycle for commuting in the hills. However, I chose the Pashley. I have wanted a Pashley for a LONG time. Longer even than I've been riding. The practical reasons that I chose the Pashley are this: Being slightly lighter and having a smaller frame that is closer in geometry to my Hercules, which would have been perfect if not for the total lack of brakes in the rain.

Today is my birthday, and knowing that I had saved up about half of the funds I need for my Pashley, my husband gave me the best present ever: the rest of the money + some for accessories! AND my Pashley has already been ordered. However, I won't be receiving it until probably sometime in Janurary, as the shop we ordered it from thought that they still had one in stock, but were mistaken had had the wrong color. So mine will be coming in on the next shipment. But still, I'M FINALLY GETTING MY PASHLEY! :)

So, that means that the time has finally come to open the box.

And get out the money. :)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't wait to see your new bike!

  2. Wow, happy Birthday and congratulations! What great news!

    For what it's worth, I do *not* think the Pashley is a compromise when it comes to winter or bad weather. I cycled on mine all through a New England winter, including on snow and ice, and have no complaints.

    So... when does the new bike arrive?

  3. Congratulations and happy birthday!

  4. Congratulations, Indeed!

    I am wondering if you'll end up pulling the stock dressguards so you can install your own.

    Corey K

  5. Corey K - Indeed I will be! I'm even going to work out a new design in honor of the new bicycle. :)

  6. That's so exciting! I love the good old-fashioned piggy bank/box idea. I should try that for future purchases. Too bad you have to wait until January, though. But it will be here before you know it. :)

  7. Congratulations!

    I agree with Velouria. My Pashley was absolutely brilliant in the snow. Hope you will love it, I think it's a great bike for petite women.

  8. Congratulations from me too! I love my Pashley in all weather conditions! She's just perfect :D

  9. How exciting! You should be getting your Pashley any day! I just discovered your blog and was enjoying reading through your posts. I have an Oma which I got this fall.. had to wait awhile for mine as well. They are both awesome bikes. Enjoy!

  10. I love everything about this post! The box is a fantastic idea - a little inspiration when putting your money away. I should put a picture of Pashley on my credit card when I'm tempted to spend frivolously.

    Hope your birthday present comes soon... Can't wait to see the dress guard you come up with!

  11. I echo the sentiments - Congratulations!

    And welcome to the Pashley lady family:)

