
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crochet Skirt Guard Test Ride/ Excuse to Ride to the Lake

Today I met up with my friend, Audrey, for a bicycle ride to the Boone Lake. I live about 4 miles from the lake, and had never ridden bikes there. We've driven there, and taken the kayaks there, but had never been there by bike. So, since she doesn't bike ride much (spends all her time she could be on a bicycle on horses) we decided that it was about time she got off of one saddle and on to another.

We lazed about in the water for an hour or so, then let our inner 8 year olds out and hit the playground. Nice way to spend a Sunday morning. We left just as everyone else started showing up.

Today I rode Helena, since it had been awhile since I had ridden her, and I wanted to test out the new crochet skirt guards and rear bag (more on the bags later). The guards work out beautifully! My little clips that I need more of stayed on and my skirt stayed out of the spokes and brakes. I'm even happy with my hair tie solution holding it to the dropouts. So it looks like it's good to go!

1 comment:

  1. Amy~

    I forgot to mention that the new url for my blog has slightly changed..I should have updated everyone lol


    P.S. this way you wont miss any secret blog updates
