
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

So, Everybody's Kitchen Looks Like This, Right?

I was tidying up a bit in the kitchen a couple of weeks back and started noticing a theme...

Bikes and trike parts and tools...

Wheel sets tucked into corners...

Brake parts about to disappear under the stove...

Floor pump (and an unrelated stock pot of shoes) by the litter boxes...

Sprocket clusters, spokes and hubs in trays...

And a frame, fenders, two rear racks (I found an old Pletscher under the faux leaves...) and frame pump with the cat food! I forgot the big toolbox that actually lives in the kitchen now, on a table by the microwave. It's full of bike bits and tools. Ah, hobbies. :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

An Itty Bitty Tweed Ride

Last night we went on an itty bitty Tweed Ride. It was hosted by a local bicycle advocacy group called the Johnson City Bike Party.

Here's the lot of us. All 17 and 1 dog. For a town with very few bicycle commuters, I'd say that was a decent turnout! And it was a good mix of people from a wide range of ages, skill levels and steed preferences. 

Which is how I found myself surrounded by recumbent trikes! Three, including my husband's. I'll admit to a bit of a fascination with the recumbent trikes, and find myself toying with the idea of getting one. Maybe... ;)  

It was a leisurly ride, about 7 miles with a couple of stops along the way and a quiet little after party at a local bakery. The ride went along at quite a slow pace. A bit too slow for me at times. Even on the Pashley. But it was a nice chilly night, good for poking along and chatting with folks without being out of breath. We met some new people, and a couple of ladies I plan to meet up with for some rides. It was also interesting to get a chance to ride the Pashley in an environment more closely resembling that which it was designed for, and it made me miss living "in town". As an "out in the sticks and up on a big hill" commuter it holds it's own, but it really shines as a city commuter. 

And while I was out with the group, I bought one of their tee shirts. What the heck, eh? :)